Friends of The Rockwood Center
Opportunities to volunteer
The Rockwood Center has several volunteering opportunities, depending on your interests and skills. We need helpers to register students and musicians who would like to teach ukulele, keyboard, hand drums, snare drums, or singing. We have opportunities for those who have sewing skills to work with our We-Sew program. We also have several small jobs around the facilities that can always use attention. Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering for one or more of our opportunities. We require all our volunteers to attend an orientation meeting and undergo a background check if they will work with children under 18 or vulnerable adults. Contact us for information about the next orientation session.
Donate Supplies*
Sewing Supplies
Art Supplies
Donate Your Time
Teach a class
Volunteer at events
Help with groundkeeping
Donate Monetarily
Donate Now
*Please contact us for a list of supplies to donate and to set up a date and time for donate drop-offs.
Volunteer to help at one of our upcoming events!
Interested in Donating your time?
Please fill out this interest form so we know how to reach you!